Tip of the Week March 11, 2013

Use Merit Hours to add drive time to volunteer service

Some organizations like to add a volunteer’s drive time into their volunteer service contributed. If you give an average (or estimated) drive time, you can have Volgistics automatically add this onto the volunteer’s service entries by using Merit Hours.

To do this, you need to create Flags to identify the different drive times you want to record first.  For example, create Flags for “½ hour,” “1 hour,” “1 ½ hours,” etc. Keep in mind that there are only four Merit Hour rules available, so you cannot exceed 4 Flags (or 4 drive time categories). Place the appropriate Flag on the volunteer records it applies to and then create a Set to identify the records based on “Their Flags.” You will have one Set for each drive time Flag you use.

Once the Flags are created, you can setup Merit Hours to apply to volunteer service based on the Set you created to identify the volunteer’s Flag. For example, the Merit Rule for the “½ hour” Flag/Set would add 30 minutes of service to the entry the volunteer makes, the “1 hour” Flag/Set would add 1 hour of service to the entry the volunteer makes, etc. Help topic 1101 explains more about how to create Merit Hours.

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