Custom Theming for Volunteer Features

Tip of the Week October 02, 2023 The parts of Volgistics that are designed for volunteer access (VicNet, VicTouch, the Opportunity Directory, and application forms) all include custom theming options. These settings allow you to use your organization’s own colors, keeping your branding consistent with your own website. For example, you can review and update

Tips for Avoiding Volunteer Burnout

Tips for Avoiding Volunteer Burnout

Every volunteer organization should prioritize the well-being and happiness of their volunteers. Healthy, joyful people are more productive, better at problem-solving, and more enjoyable to be around. Learning more about volunteer burnout can help your organization combat overly stressed and exhausted team members for better overall performance. We are sharing tips and tricks for keeping

Marketing Your Volunteer Opportunities

Marketing Your Volunteer Opportunities

Since volunteer rates have declined over the years, marketing your volunteer opportunities is more important than ever. Through marketing, you’ll expand your reach and increase the chances you’ll find suitable volunteers quickly. Do you have to be an expert marketer to promote your organization and draw volunteers? Nope. Not at all. With a few basics

Include Volunteer Names on Child Records in Excel Reports

Tip of the Week September 18, 2023 In databases, a child record is a piece of information that relates back to one particular record. Because Excel Spreadsheet reports are designed to be able to contain a very large amount of detailed volunteer information such as service entries and checklist dates, it is necessary to create

Volunteer Screening and Background Checks: What You Should Know

Volunteer Screening and Background Checks: What You Should Know

Volunteer screening is integral to the onboarding process across various types of organizations. Background checks and screening policies help you maintain a safe working environment and retain your brand’s reputation.  The challenge is that background checks involve a lot of paperwork and processes, which can lead to human errors. It’s crucial to eliminate report inaccuracies

Track Assignments Automatically

Tip of the Week September 11, 2023 In Volgistics, a volunteer’s Role in an assignment shows their relationship to the assignment. For example, a Role of Assigned means that the volunteer is actively serving while a Role of Substitute might mean the volunteer is available to fill in for other volunteers in that assignment. The

Use the Contacts Tab to Record Secondary Contacts for Group Records

Tip of the Week September 4, 2023 If your organization uses group records, you can record the main contact’s name, address, phone number, and email on the Core tab of the group record. However, there may be times when you need to record additional contacts. In this case, you can create a new contact Kind

Limit the Rights or Access to Volgistics for Specific System Operators

Tip of the Week August 28, 2023 If a Volgistics Account will utilize the services of system operators other than just the account’s Administrator(s), it may be important to define specific limits of the rights or access for those users. This way they aren’t able to, or don’t have to, manage more settings than exceeds