Tip of the Week November 30, 2015

Hide a field to omit it from Address Label Reports

The Address Label Reports are designed to take the normal address fields in use and format them as a mailing label. There may be times when you do not wish to have a field appear on your labels. For example, if you are using the Country field or you have re-purposed a field such as “Street 2” for different information. In these cases, you can prevent the field from showing up on the Address Label Report by temporarily hiding it in your account. To do this:

  1. Select Setup from the menu.

  2. Expand the Field options link.

  3. Select Core tab.

  4. Select the field you want to hide.

  5. Change the Hidden setting to Yes.

  6. Click the Save button.

After you’re done running your report, repeat the steps but change the Hidden setting to No so you can use the field again.

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